A hysterectomy is a procedure to remove all or part of a woman’s uterus. This will result in the patients inability to conceive in the future and she will no longer have any menstrual cycles. These procedures are done for various reasons including heavy and painful menstrual cycles, uterine fibroids, pelvic pain, endometriosis, and other reasons.
If a hysterectomy is recommended and desired by the patient they are done in our practices with the da Vinci robotic surgical platform. The surgical platform allows outpatient hysterectomies and the patient returns home on the same day as the procedure and is back to their normal activities sooner.
Our practice has been doing robotic-assisted hysterectomies since 2010. We also perform robotic assisted myomectomies in certain cases which allows removal of fibroids without removal of the uterus.
Pelvic pain is any condition which causes pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen and pelvic region. It can be due to a variety of causes including gastrointestinal, genito-urinary, infections, past surgeries, endometriosis, and other causes.
Many patients will suffer from these conditions for many years before seeking help. Determining etiology of the pelvic pain can sometimes be difficult. The evaluation can include an exam, imaging studies, laboratory tests, a thorough history, and sometimes surgical evaluation. In addition, evaluation by other physicians such as a gastroenterologist or a urologist can be helpful.
If you have been suffering from pelvic pain contact our office for an appointment for a consultation.
Endometriosis is a chronic gynecologic condition which can affect women of all ages but is more prominent in younger women. By definition it is the presence of endometrial tissue (which is in the inner part of the uterus) that is present in tissues outside of the uterus. The exact cause of endometriosis is not known and there is no one theory that can account for all the cases of endometriosis.
Signs and symptoms of endometriosis can include pelvic pain, painful and heavy cycles, painful sex, infertility, irregular bleeding, and other symptoms.
Diagnosis of endometriosis can be based on signs and symptoms but also may require a surgical evaluation. Surgical treatment can be both diagnostic as well as therapeutic. There are newer medical therapies which can be very effective in the treatment of endometriosis.
If you believe you may be suffering from endometriosis contact our office and make an appointment for an evaluation.
Many women suffer from heavy menstrual cycles. There are various treatment options for heavy menstrual cycles and one of these options is an endometrial ablation. For women that may have failed hormonal therapy and do not have any contraindications to an ablation this can be a very safe and effective procedure.
An endometrial ablation is a procedure that destroys the endometrial tissue. The endometrial tissue is what bleeds every month with a menstrual cycle. The Novasure endometrial ablation utilizes Radio- frequency technology to destroy the endometrial tissue. For the patient that does not have contraindications to the procedure it can be very effective with many women never having cycles after the procedure. In addition, the procedure has very little downtime or side effects
For over 20 years we have been doing endometrial ablation in our office with the assistance of an anesthesiologist. Not every patient is a candidate for an in office ablation.
If you are suffering from heavy menstrual cycles and think you might be a candidate for an endometrial ablation contact our office for an evaluation.
Hysteroscopy is a procedure in which a small lighted scope is placed through the cervix and into the inside of the uterine cavity. It can be used for both diagnosis as well as treatment. It is usually done prior to an endometrial ablation, sometimes to remove a retained interuterine device or foreign object, and to help diagnose the cause of heavy bleeding or postmenopausal bleeding.
Our office has been using the EndoSee hysteroscope device since it first became available. This is a small hysteroscope which can allow many of these procedures to be done in the office with either a local anesthetic or no anesthesia at all. This procedure involves minimal downtime and allows the patient to see her findings at the time of the procedure.
If you have symptoms that may require a hysteroscopy please contact our office for an evaluation.
Our practice is committed to helping our patients as they deal through perimenopause and menopause. In the male patient this is sometimes referred to as “andropause”. We are committed to helping both male and female patients navigate these phases of their life.
For our female patients this may involve supplementation with estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone. Treatment may include pills, creams, or possibly pellets. Hormone replacement therapy can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life and reduce her risk for other conditions as she ages.
We offer bio-identical pellet hormone replacement therapy for both men and women. We have been a certified BioTe provider since the inception of the company, and have being doing pellet therapy since 2012. Bio-identical pellet therapy are hormones made from natural plant substances and are in the form the body is used to processing. It is individualized hormone therapy with dosing based on each individual patient.
We also offer patients various other types of hormone therapies to help them navigate through menopause.
Contact our office if you are interested in learning about the benefits of hormone replacement therapy.
BioTe benefits both men and women! Click here to learn more,
Menopause is a major transition in a woman’s life and can have major impacts on their health and well-being. For many women it is a difficult transition and our practice is here to help patients with this transition.
Many patients experience some of these symptoms even before the complete succession of their menstrual cycles. These include skin changes, hot flashes, irregular cycles, irritation, mood issues, night sweats, sleep problems, weight gain, sexual dysfunction and vaginal dryness.
We have a long history in our practice of working with women during and after menopause. We have many solutions to help women transition during this phase of their life.
Schedule an appointment with our office if you are experiencing signs and symptoms of menopause and are interested in therapeutic options for this time in your life.
For many of our women who are suffering from peri-menopausal or menopausal symptom, as well as for our men who are suffering from “andropause”-type symptoms, we are a long time provider of bio–identical pellet hormone replacement therapy.
These symptoms can include fatigue, decreased libido, difficulty with concentration, poor sleep, joint pain, decreased muscle strength, anxiety, depression, and other symptoms. Bio-identical pellet therapy has helped many of our patients relieve their symptoms. We have been a partner with BioTe since its inception and have benefited from many of their innovations. Pellet hormone therapy is a strong aspect of their company. They also believe in individualized patient therapy.
If you are suffering from many of these symptoms schedule an appointment for a consultation and see if our office can help you get back to being the best version of you!
Watch this video to learn more!
BioTe benefits both men and women! Click here to learn more.
We offer the Juliet laser treatment for vaginal rejuvenation. This treatment generates collagen where it is needed and can improve sexual functioning by enhancing moisture levels in the vagina and can offer cosmetic improvement.
The Juliet vaginal laser treatment involves two passes over the area being treated. The first pass stimulates the production of collagen and the second past remodels the tissue. This causes the formation of new blood vessels and new nerve endings. It can significantly improve vaginal dryness and discomfort with intercourse.
Several treatment sessions are recommended but many patients will see results with their first treatment and new collagen is generated for several months after the treatment.
The Juliet handpiece can also be used to improve collagen in the vulvar area which can improve irritation in this area with the generation of new collagen.
Contact us to schedule a consultation to see if this treatment is right for you.
More information in the video below!
Our office has been offering TruSculpt body contouring since 2018. This innovative technology utilizes mono-polar Radio-frequency technology to destroy fat cells under the skin.
Treatment areas for patients typically includes the upper and lower abdomen, flanks, arms, as well as legs. An average of 24% of fat cells can be destroyed in as little as a 15 minute treatment. Your body will eliminate the destroyed fat cells over about 12 weeks. The procedure does not shrink fat cells but destroys them.
Treatment time depends on the number of areas being treated. There are no incisions, minimal discomfort (which has been compared to a hot stone massage), and no downtime after the procedure.
If you are interested in body contouring, contact our office to set up a consultation.
Watch the video below to learn more: